Thursday, August 30, 2012

I do not even remember how to do this, but I'm going to try.

I think this has been my longest respite from blogging, but I blog in my head all of the time.  Does that count?  No, I guess it doesn't.  There are so many other things in my life that take valuable time and energy and journaling those things just never takes presidence.  I'll try to play catch up with pictures and then see how far I get.

In the month of March we had a lot of snow.
Kate turned 5 and she also started writing and spelling photically on her own.  That's always fun.  Here she was telling me "I don't know" about a certain spelling and asking for help. 
She also began reading more and although she has always loved books she especially loves her little pink Bible and tries to pick out words that she knows how to read or can sound out. She fell asleep like this one night and the picture is blurry because I took it with my phone in the dark. 
Isaac loved this little book and wanted to read it constantly.
He also wanted to follow the big kids outside every time they went.  That always involved putting on and taking off lots of layers.  After 10 years of living in Minnesota I don't think I will every get used to the process. 
Poor Ella fell on the ice at school during recess and had to get stiches.  That was not a fun process, but she was tough!  She does have a nice scar across her eye brow now.

 Did I mention we had a lot of snow?  That involved many hours outside being very creative.  Jonas especially loves the snow and never seems to get too cold or tired in it.  I DO NOT understand this, but I guess he's a true Minnesotan.
 And this little cutie has always loved to wake up with the sun and I'm thankful he will snuggle in bed with me when I'm not so eager to jump up as early as he is.


Mary Ann said...

I'm glad you had a moment to sit down & release some of that brain blogging to actual blogging :-) I do that all the time, too. I can write entire posts that never ever get typed out. But it's fun for me so I think it counts!
Your kids are such cuties. I'm with you on the snow thing, though. I get weary of cold weather & all the layering & dealing with snow - ugh! But I guess after this super hot & dry summer I might be a little more patient with it :-)

Unknown said...

WELCOME BACK!!!!!! I love to read your blog so I hope you blog more:)

Ben and Carissa said...

Oh my dear, Beth!! I have not been even reading blogs for the guilt it brings that mine has sat since April... unloved and neglected. My husband, mother, and family-in laws are scolding me!! I will catch up...soon, I'm sure! Good job for doing it! Life just gets full and the blog is the first to go... totally get it!! Somethings are truly more important... at least that is what I tell myself to ease the guilt! Ha! Welcome back to the bloggy world. Maybe I'll join you...