Saturday, December 10, 2011

my baby is two

This sweet boy is two.  I'm not sure how the years go by this quickly.  Time is something I ponder often.  It's probably something that most infinite beings are intrigued by.  I think age and maturity give more perspective on time, but it's still hard to wrap your brain around.  I know every mom says it, but I honestly don't know where the time has gone.  As each new year is marked in my kids lives I am more motivated to make each day count.  These early formative years go so quickly!  

We enjoyed a nice day celebrating our little man.  He has always liked "oy, oy, E"  (Toy Story 3).  He especially likes "Buzsh" Lightyear.  More pics to come.

(comments on the above pic:  Isaac always wants to do what the others are doing.  He's actually, NOT content until he's doing exactly what they're doing.  This includes going "side" when they go outside.  The problem is that he has trouble keeping his boots on in the snow.  Since I took this picture I've figured out how to keep them on.  He also has 2 hats on because he likes to wear hats.  He wanted both of them.)

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

What a precious kid! I love learning his little quirks :-) Time does go by too quickly...I wish we could find a way to slow it down but I guess as the years tick quickly by we draw closer to eternity - the best 'time' of all!
Happy birthday, Isaac!