Friday, March 28, 2008

Just call me Sesame

I was out this evening (previous post!) and when I got home (toooooo late btw-the kids were hyper and crazy!) Jonas and Ella ran up to the front door and were waiting for me to get there with Kate, the keys, the diaper bag, drinks, random toys from the back seat, etc... (get the point? my hands were full!). At first they were waiting patiently, but then when it was taking me too long to find the right key and juggle everything else to get the screen door open and the right key to the right hand and the baby in the right position and my left foot wedged the right way to hold the door open while not knocking anyone else off the stoop with my dangling bags of various things Jonas decided he'd try another approach. He stepped back (almost sending Ella off the back side of the porch) and raised both arms in the air and shouted "OPEN SESAME"! At that moment I turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open. In a very sweet little voice Ella said, "thank you, Sesame" and stepped right through the door! It was so great! I'm still laughing.


Matt & Nicki said...

I just laughed outloud reading that!! I love that little girl:)

Ken & Jen Schmidt said...

This is SO funny! I read it like 10 times, and then showed Ken and I'm still laughing!

Beth said...

Jen- you were so fun to laugh with! I wish I could see you laughing like 10 times! :)

Meg Flaming said...

Hilarious! Ella cracks me up, regularly.