Friday, December 16, 2011

wish lists

I wish I could say that this post was about all of the great charitable giving my kids and I are involved in this holiday season, but it's not.  It's rather about the selfishness being alive and well over here.  It's a quite opposite post from this one.  My kids recently wrote their annual wish lists to their grandparents and here they are.  I wanted to remember them.

 Jonas' list was divided into categories and it included things like "Cars 2- must have !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", not only very specific lego sets, but the words "a lot of other legos too", "no clothes please !!!!!!!!!!!!!", under the weapons category (yes, a whole category) he wants "a real flame thrower", under the video games category he lists specifics but requests "a lot of other ones too", and last but not least :) "pizzas, real food"
 Ella asks for a toy horse, a toy castle with a princess, paints, cupcake stickers, any kind of books, Barbie dresses, a pretty nightgown, and a puzzle.
 Kate wants an American Girl doll magazine, a Barbie coloring book, a Barbie cell phone, Peter Pan DVD, play clothes for Bitty Baby, play clothes for Kit, a toaster, a microwave, and a coffee maker.
 Isaac's lists included the things he likes.  They are loud, have wheels, and go fast.  just. like. isaac.



Amanda T said...

LOVE the post, Beth!! Made me laugh. Thanks for posting.

Unknown said...