In some ways camp was very normal. Of course we had all of the usual crazy camp games like binocular soccer, blindfolded games without names, and big ball. We did campfires and preaching sessions, canoe trips, spiders, and turtles, but in other ways ....

Okay looks like you had a blast but I would have had a heart attack if I came across that spider. Oh my word I hate spiders. Was that in your room?
That is the kind of spider we have at our house all the time. Glad to hear you had such a good week.
jenn- this spider was in the lodge, but i'm sure they were in the cabins- and everywhere else too! i hate them too!
WOW! Another week of camp to follow that one?!!! Your summer is going to REALLY fly by being that busy! Sounds like a wonderful week where God works despite cows, and giant spiders, and a little rain!
janelle- yes, we have sr. high camp, jr. high camp, elementary camp, 2 weeks of missions trip in NYC, one week in TN for my sister's wedding, and then another week of day camp at our church. Jason plans it and does it all. he's amazing. we're DEAD at the end of the summer. i'm really not sure how it all gets done.
Bless your pea pickin' heart! I would be DEAD after the first week! Praise the Lord for providing strength and soundness of mind when we truly need it! I thought my summer was going to be busy, but you got me beat hands down!!! I'll be praying for you, when I think of it anyway!
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