This is our church with the Christian day school wing to the right and the Central Seminary wing to the left. When Jonas starts school he'll be able to ride to work with daddy. Oh, that little red spot is Jonas!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Kindergarten Roundup
Today Jonas and I went to Kindergarten Roundup at Fourth Baptist Christian School. Jonas will be 5 on July 21 and will start K5 in the fall. Today he had an assesment test and 2 brownies! The parents were given a tour of the building which is kind of funny since I didn't exactly need one. Jonas is excited about going to school. I'm not sure how I feel. I have so many mixed emotions. I don't think my baby is ready to go out and conquer the world, but I know he'll try! It was fun to drop the girls off at the babysitter and go do this with Jonas. We stopped at McDonalds afterwards for a chocolate milkshake which Jonas says is "my best treat ever!" It was fun.

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Hey Beth! I'm just here catching up... and I cannot believe your little Jonas is getting ready to go to K5! I remember seeing him when he was just a few weeks old when ya'll visited Northland. That's neat how he will get to go to school with his daddy. Also, I love the video of Kate and the lime.
Jonas is such a cutie! :-) I am so thankful Jonas will be able to attend a Christian school. That is great!
That is neat he gets to go to the Christian school. If we could send our girls there I wouldn't homeschool but I hate public school and don't want them there so I think i am going to homeschool. I looked into fourth but it was a lot of money each month and no way could we do it. Homeschooling should be fun. I think I will really enjoy it. I wish I could start now. I have been doing some now but she is only 2, she doesn't understand a lot of what I try.
hannah- that's great. I know. It's expensive- we get to enjoy this benefit of Jason being on staff. praise the Lord! Our church has a great support group for homeschoolers. I have LOTS of friends that do it. If you need any connections let me know! I'll be homeschooling when we go to the mission field so it's good for me to start researching that now.
Ben and I were just talking about SCHOOL! We still have a few years, but they will go fast and we both don't really know where to send! I bet Jonas is excited!! I can just picture daddy and son going off to school in the morning with their lunch boxes! So cute!!
Beth, We are moving lake from preschool at Temple to Berean next year! Can you believe it. It seems like the best fit! Scary though.
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