2. The number game- I cut out lots of #'s out of scraps of paper. The number depends on whose bday it is (on July 21 we played the#4 game, on Aug. 26 we play the #27 game). I then put tape on the back of each # and stick them anywhere (in the fridge, on the doorknobs, behind the door of the laundershoot, on the lights, etc...) and the then the rest of the participants hunt for the #'s. When they find a number they can reach in the grab bag for a prize (sticker, fruit snakcs, batteries for daddy- joy, joy-etc...).
These are the Stamper family traditions. I'd love to hear how you make the day special at your house. Pease share!
when i had marco and antonio, we always had those cream cheese cinnamon rolls that come in a can and you bake them, then frost them. - that was always tradition for any special occasion.
for jason, i bring him breakfast in bed.
i like your birthday traditions, really cute. you never cease to amaze me beth.
We always hid numbers too. When they were 4, it was 4 fours...then 5 fives. We didn't keep up on the exact number as they got older, but we do still have a #17 stuck on our ceiling fan from when Bethany turned 17!! If it makes it until November we can use it for Brennan - 4 1/2 years later. :) (Haven't had the heart to take it down.)
You're so funny Cathy! Actually I was around your house for one of those # hunts. That's where hiding the numbers comes from! I didn't know that it was 4-4's, 5-5's, etc... So, thanks for passing on your tradition!
janelle- i can't view your blog anymore for some reason...
I don't really have traditions for birthdays. In fact, growing up, birthday's were no big deal (exept we did get to choose what dinner we got to have). However, when I married Don, things changed. I actually get birthday gifts from his parents, but I stil l don't think they have any traditions.
Yours sound like fun! Thanks for passing them along! Don and I will have to start our own traditions when we start to have children!
breakfast in bed for my birthday (after getting to sleep in) & ALWAYS chocolate cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the kids, I love to do a themed party and John's family usually all comes over to celebrate.
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